
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

And the winner is.....

The winner of the September 25, 2012 Frisco Quilt Guild block of the month lotto is

Ginny Miller
Ginny won 14 completed blocks, 5 kits (returned from players who didn't get to it. Well done on that people! I am proud of you), and 2 IOU blocks (completed but not turned in).
As there was no fabric left over I threw in an extra surprise.....
....a one block mini. I had to figure out how to make the block, didn't I. Well, this was my test block, embellished with some machine embroidery, and hand quilting.

Ginny also received a coupon good for free labor from Tops to Treasures on any quilt with edge to edge quilting.


In other news check out these items from last night's show and tell.

December 2011 lotto winner Vicky Shortino had this to share. I love the throw made from Dancing Tulips.

March 2012 winner Marilyn Pitrone had a finished Brain Dead quilt to show us. (This photo is from its time with me getting quilted.)

It was awesome seeing my their quilts finished.

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