
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

And the winner is.....

The winner of the September 25, 2012 Frisco Quilt Guild block of the month lotto is

Ginny Miller
Ginny won 14 completed blocks, 5 kits (returned from players who didn't get to it. Well done on that people! I am proud of you), and 2 IOU blocks (completed but not turned in).
As there was no fabric left over I threw in an extra surprise.....
....a one block mini. I had to figure out how to make the block, didn't I. Well, this was my test block, embellished with some machine embroidery, and hand quilting.

Ginny also received a coupon good for free labor from Tops to Treasures on any quilt with edge to edge quilting.


In other news check out these items from last night's show and tell.

December 2011 lotto winner Vicky Shortino had this to share. I love the throw made from Dancing Tulips.

March 2012 winner Marilyn Pitrone had a finished Brain Dead quilt to show us. (This photo is from its time with me getting quilted.)

It was awesome seeing my their quilts finished.

Monday, September 24, 2012

CQF Month 4 - October 2012 - Woven Together

General Description of Block: Woven Together is a 9 patch block which features 4 accent fabrics strategically placed to create the illusion of ribbons woven together.

FQG: You kit contains fabric for the purple in the corners.  You need to add white for the background, and 4 additional fabrics that coordinate for the "ribbons".  Please steer clear of the dark shade that is the background of our kit fabric.

Cutting Directions: (52 pieces, but some will be strip pieced to make it easier.)

From background: (white)
  • For corner blocks
    • 1, 3 3/4" x 8" strip
    • 3 2" x 8" strips
  • For edge blocks
    • 1, 6 1/4" x 6 1/4" square
      • Sub-cut twice on the diagonal creating 4 small triangles
From Purple (kit)
  • For corner blocks
    • 3, 2" x 8" strips
From accent fabrics: You need the same pieces from each of 4 different fabrics
  • For corner blocks - cut one from each of 4 different fabrics
    • 1, 2" x 2" square
  • For edge blocks - cut one from each of 4 different fabrics
    • 1, 6 1/4" x 6 1/4" square
      • Sub-cut once on the diagonal, creating 2 large triangles
      • Sub-cut one of 2 large triangles once on the diagonal to create 2 small triangles
      • You now have 1 large triangle and 2 small triangles
  • For center block
    • Take one small triangle from edge cuttings.

Piecing Directions:  It is very easy to get the pieces of this block in the wrong place.  Be alert!  If possible set the pieces out in front of you as you put them together.

  • Sew strip sets:
    • Wide white strip + purple strip along long edge
    • White strip + purple strip + white strip along long edge
    • White strip + purple strip
  • Iron seam allowances toward purple side
  • Cut each strip set into 4, 2" x width of set segments
  • Sew 2" x 2" accent squares to white edge of purple square, white square segment
  • Iron seam allowances toward accent fabric
  • Sew strip sets together along long edges to make 4 corner blocks.  They will each have a different color in one corner.
  • Iron seam allowances away from center.
  • Trim blocks to 5" x 5" squares.
Edges:  The placement of colors in these pieces will set the placement for the rest of the block.  Be alert! or prepared to rip.

  • Sew small white triangles to small accent triangles  (you will have one small accent triangle of each color remaining after this step) making sure that the white triangle opens to the right side of the right angle.
  • Iron seam allowances open.
  • Aligning right angles, sew large accent triangles to hypotenuse of small triangle sets.
  • Iron seam allowance toward the large triangles.
  • Trim blocks to 5" x 5" squares.
Center:  Even here it is very easy to get the pieces in the wrong place.  (Ask me how I know!)  Keep your wits about you.  Be alert!
  • Take remaining 4 small accent triangles
  • Sew together 2 sets of 2 making 2 large triangles
  • Iron seam allowances to one side.
  • Sew 2 large triangles together along the hypotenuses to make one large square.
  • Trim block to 5" x 5" square.

Assemble Block:
  • Arrange blocks  in front of you so that the colors match up.

FQG: I am making kits for this quilt from remnants of a Moda Bake Shop project.  I think you are going to like it.  Kate Spain, Cuzco is wonderfully bright and fun.   Once the kits are distributed there will be no more fabric until it is released by Moda and arrives in quilt shops in October.

If you want to participate in this round of our Block of the month program I suggest that you pick up your kit at the beginning of our meeting on September 25th.  (There will be 29 kits available - 30 blocks for the winner, including my sample block.)

The winner of the blocks will be able to make a quilt that looks something like this one.....

.....only much prettier!  Think  jolly rancher candies brights paired with white and navy/deep purple.  You are going to want to win!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


We had an unprecedented response to this block!  All of the kits were taken at our meeting in August.  That is 30 kits! 

There was no fabric left over from the I'll have to think up a fun extra to put in with the prize package...hmmmm.

If you took a kit please remember to make it...or bring it back at our next meeting.  I can't wait  to see all of the beautiful sunflowers.

Remember, all of the blocks go to one winner....someone is going to have a beautiful quilt.