
Monday, April 22, 2013

CQF Month 11 - May 2013 - Wonky Stars

General Description of Block: This nine patch block is made from two sets of four identical blocks, (one on the corners, and one of the edges) with a third block in the center.

The edge blocks are made by "free" piecing.  It is a step outside of our normal box - one where exact measurements and edges are king - but I think we can do it.  I love the wonky starbursts that it creates.  I hope you do too.

FQG: Your block contains fabric for the green (K-Green) and aqua (K-Aqua) in the corners. You need to add your own green or blue and white.

Cutting Directions: (49 pieces, but some will be strip pieced to make it easier.)

  • From white
    • cut 1, 2" x 8" rectangles (corners)
    • cut 1, 5" x 5" squares (center block)
    • cut 8*, 2 1/2" x 5" rectangles (star points)  The star points of this block are "free" pieced.  The dimensions above are only a suggestion.  It is the smallest size you can use to piece these corners without teaching your family and pets new words.  Cut these pieces larger if you want your points to reach to the edge of the block.
  • From your background color (YBC)
    • cut 3, 2" x 8" rectangles (corners)
    • cut 4, 5" x 5" square (edge blocks)
  • From K-Green (FQG kit fabric)
    • cut 3, 2" x 8" rectangles (corners)
  • From K-Aqua (FQG kit fabric)
    • cut 2, 2" x 8" rectangles (corners)

Piecing Directions:
Corners: Make 4 identical blocks

  • Gather 9, 2" x 8 1/4" rectangles (1 white, 2 K-Aqua, 3 K-Green, and 3 YBC)
  • Sew 3 sets in the following orders:
    • white, K-Aqua, K-Green
    • K-Aqua, K-Green, YBC
    • K-Green, YBC, YBC
  • Iron seams away from the K-Green. On sets where K-Green is on the outside iron both seams towards the inside.
  • Cut sets, perpendicular to the seams, into 4, 2" x 5" strips.
  • Sew long edges of strips together, with the center blocks arranged K-Aqua, K-Green, YBC.
  • Iron seams towards outside.
  • Trim to 5" x 5" squares.
Edges: Make 4 blocks

  • Gather
    • 4, 5" x 5" YBC squares
    • 8 white rectangles
    • a small ruler
    • a marking tool
Mark the right side of each 5" x 5" YBC square on the center of one side.

With right sides together, align a white rectangle with the long edge touching the marking.  You should have a tiny triangle hanging over the edge about 1/4".   The body of the rectangle should be in the center of the square.  Angle it as you like, but make sure there is enough fabric to reach the corner when it is flipped over.
Sew  1/4" from the long edge of the white rectangle.
Iron open.
Flip piecing over and trim back to 5" x 5" square.
Mark the front again.
Repeat process for second point.  Try altering the angle you use to make your star more wonky.
Trim piece to 5" x 5" square.

Repeat to make 4, 5"x5" edges

Assemble Block:

  • Gather 9, 5" blocks (4 corners, 4 edges, 1 center)
  • Arrange corners so that the white corner patch is farthest from the center block.
  • Arrange edges so that the white triangles meet beside the center block. The YBC shapes should be pointing toward the center.
  • Sew blocks together to make three rows.
    • Rows 1 & 3: corner block with white corner in upper left, edge block with YBC shape pointing down, corner block with white corner in upper right.
    • Row 2: Edge block with YBC shape pointing to the right, center block, edge block with YBC shape pointing to the left.
  • Sew rows together to make block.

This is a sample of what 12 blocks would look like. This quilt would measure 43.5" x 57".

Each month there are 29 kits up for grabs at the general meeting of the Frisco Quilt Guild. Use a kit, make a block, and return it at the next general meeting to be eligible to win all of the blocks created and any kits that were not made. The winner is randomly selected from those eligible.


1 comment:

  1. Mmm,it`s time to try this block,love it but it`s look tricky but with your tutorial hope to do one.Thanks!!


I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment or question. I'll get back to you as soon as I am able.