
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tomorrow is Closer than it Appears

Ever stop to read the print on the bottom of your rear view mirrors?

 "Objects may be closer than they appear"

The same thing can be said of the months in a year.  

We're on month 8 of Circle of Quilty Friends, (I know!  How did that happen?!) and I have been thinking about round 3.  

Whether or not my guild decides to continue with my blocks, I would like to continue writing I am looking forward.  I have come up with two ideas....although not 24 blocks...yet.


The first idea I had was "Oops".  Imagine a series of quilts that are made from traditional blocks messed up on purpose.  Check these out....

"Marching Crabs"

"Marching Crabs is made from goofed up Shoo Fly blocks.

"Snowflake" is made from Snowball blocks with a problem.

I like this idea a lot - it makes me laugh - lemon aid from lemons - looking on the bright side.  It seems like it would be a cheery series.  

Au Naturel!

Idea #2 is to take one block "au naturel"  and explore what happens to it as you dress it differently.  The following quilts are all made with the same block.

"Chevron Boxes"


"Christmas Ribbons"


Something Different

These ideas veer from the Quilty Friends ideal.  (12 blocks that hook together making a sampler quilt without sashings or borders.)  The blocks in these series would not be intended to be used that way.  Each block would stand on it's own...although they would be sized the same from month to month...just in case someone wanted to use them in a sampler...and be presented as the key unit in a unique quilt.

What do you think?

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