
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

And the winner is.....

Valencia Warren
Congratulations to Valencia on winning the draw at the December general meeting.
Her haul included:
7 finished blocks
 (we can do better than this guys....but I will cut you some slack because there were only 25 guild members at the party.  I do however, expect Valencia to be showered with finished blocks at the up coming meeting on January 22 - three weeks from tonight.)
14 unfinished kits
about 1 yard of uncut kit fabric
and a coupon for free quilting at
 Tops to Treasures.
I have 16 kits remaining for this months block.  If you would like to participate let me know and I will get the kit to you. 
(Sorry this game is for Frisco Quilt Guild members only.  If you are not a member, I'm so glad you are here.  Please feel free to use my patterns on your own, or with a group of friends.) 

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