
Friday, July 8, 2011

And she sweetens the pot...

Did you know that July has five Sunday's, five Fridays, and five Saturdays in it this year? That hasn't happened in a very long time. If our meetings were on the last Friday of the month you would have an extra week to get your block of the month finished. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. You only have two weeks and a couple of days, not that it will take that long to get it done.

I just counted the kits. I have 11 left. That means that if everyone makes the kit they took, someone will win 29 blocks. That would be a stunning win, and a beautiful quilt. I might even offer to quilt it for free. Of course the blocks would have to be made into a quilt for me to do would be a pretty big quilt too.....with out borders you could make it 70" x "82. That would be 5 x 6 feet/ blocks. You would have to make one more. If you finished out the pinwheels that would add another foot in each direction.

Okay...I'll do it. If you bring back all of the blocks, the winner will receive the magic FREE LABOR coupon from Tops to Treasures. I will quilt the July BOM for free. (Bring the kits back finished or not and I will still count them.)

1 comment:

  1. All of the blocks have been handed out now. How awesome would it be for someone to win them all? AND to get free quilting too boot?! It could be you Sue.


I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment or question. I'll get back to you as soon as I am able.