
Thursday, November 20, 2014

And the winner is...


Mary Jo Ferril

Congratulations to Mary Jo on winning
10 finished blocks, and 6 unfinished kits.

If you are still in possession of a block/kit please be sure to send it on to Mary Jo.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Quilty Train - December 2014 - Pinata


It is hard to imagine a child's party in Texas without the ever present Pinata.  Hopefully, this block will not have you spinning and swinging at the air.

 May there be nothing but sweet, sweet treats as you construct it.

General Description:
The Quilt:

  • Measures 62"x 86" as described.
  • Is made of 24, 12" finished blocks arranged ina  4 x 6 grid.
  • Has 2 borders
    • Inner border is 1" finished
    • Outer border is 6" finished
The Block:
  • Measures 12" finished (is actually 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" before incorporation into the quilt.)
  • 4 patch construction - all four patches are the same.
  • Paper Pieced - if you have been following along, paper piecing should no longer be a big deal to you.  Just in case it still scares you please check out my tutorial.  I promise the process is not that hard.  If you would like additional help let me know.  I'd be glad to host a workshop.
FQG: Angie will be supplying fabric for the red portion of this quilt. You need to supply, a dark (like the tree limbs in the upper right corner of the picture) a medium (like the fir tree in the center of the picture) and a light (like the snow dots) to coordinate.

The guild version of the block will look something like this....

....perfect for a long winter's nap.

Cutting Directions: The colors listed below reference the photo of the finished quilt posted above the General Descriptions.
  • Paper -
    • You will need 1 copy of this file to make the block. This link will print all four quadrants of the block - each is the same, other than it is labled A, B, C, or D.
    • Make sure that the pattern measures 6 1/2" along the dotted should see them 1/4" beyond the last solid line outlining the big squares.  If the pattern you print is not 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" you will need to fiddle with the shrink/enlarge feature of your printer to get it the correct size. 
    • Trim the excess paper from the pattern - I leave 1/4" beyond the dotted line  to make sure there is enough excess to trim the units squarely once it is all pieced.
  • Red (FQG kit fabric - blue winter)
    • piece #2 - cut 4, 3" x 5" rectangles
    • piece #5 - cut 4, 4 3/4" x 2 1/2" rectangles
  • White (FQG snow)
    • piece #1 - cut 4, 3" x 5" rectangles
    • piece #4 - cut 4, 5" x 3" rectangles
  • Medium Blue (FQG medium)
    • piece #3 - cut 4, 6 1/2" x 3"
  • Dark Blue (FQG dark)
    • piece #6 - cut 4, 2 3/4" x 5 1/2"
    • piece #7 - cut 4, 2 3/4" x 5 1/2"

Sewing Directions:
  • Follow the paper pattern and piece as directed.
  • Use my tutorial for a refresher if you need one.
  • Arrange the sections in a 2 x 2 grid, with sections #1 & #2 creating a pinwheel in the center.  You should have a pinwheel on point in the enter of your block.
  • Sew the sections together.
  • Pop seams and iron in a spiral
  • Remove papers.
FQG - Return your finished blocks to Angie by January 27th, 2015, or bring it to the meeting on that night to be eligible to win all of the blocks.  Your new quilt might look something like this....

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Gathering the goods...

It takes a little time to gather all of the goodies we need to properly celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the USA. Consequently our guild meeting is scheduled a week earlier than normal.  

Our next meeting is on
Tuesday, November 18th!!!

You have two weeks from today to get your block finished for the last meeting of the year.